Hai, jadi ceritanya Fikanya lagi kesepian nih mehehe. Duh, bingung
mau nulis apa tapi kesepian, bosen. why do those things lead you to
"galau" easily, huh? Pingin menyibukkan diri tapi bingung mau ngapain
hehe. Besok udah kuliah, ga kepengen main the sims atau ngenet sampe
larut malem lagi but way too hard to sleep. how should I do, ladies and
gentleman? anyway Fika mau tanya nih, kenapa sih sulit banget ya
ngontrol ego, atau female ego dan semacamnya lah itu. Kenapa perempuan
harus punya female ego? I dont even really know about myself and getting
so much trouble to control myself. Padahal udah niat banget gitu mau
nggak egois, mau nahan ego, tapi ketika permasalahan dan sesuatu
terjadi, niat itu tuh seakan sirna gitu aja. Idk why but its so hard. I
can't stop talking, wishing people to hear, and understand me as well.
Pada orang-orang tertentu, kepengin ngeluarin segala uneg-uneg,
ngeluarin segala yang aku rasain, kepengin tangisannya didenger,
kepengin ditenangin. but every single word I've said leads that persons
to the misunderstanding. It looks like im the most selfish woman ever!
looks like i just want to be heard without hearing. so is that the
selfish concept? It drives me to these words, "Am I that selfish? Omg
then how to control it? Im losing my mind". Yep, mungkin ketika kita
nggak bisa nahan perasaan kemudian diungkapkan, segalanya diungkapkan,
terkadang malah terdengar seperti kita menyalahkan orang dan keadaan
tersebut, dan lebih tragisnya lagi saat itulah kita disebut orang yang
egois. And im such a supersensitive person, who speak out when even
every little thing on "some" persons changing. I might be a
perfectionist, yes that melancholy typical. I want every single thing
runs smoothly, never flips to worse, and goes well. But the two simple
word that i have to remember everytime is "people changes". Even i
belong to that. But pals, those words are just the words, it doesnt
really matter. The fact isnt always on the right one. When you face it,
you get something different. Man, why life's so hard? or I just take it
too much? Oops, I might be on the second opinion because yeah I feel it.
Sometimes I wonder, do people get the same problem as mine? but how
come they pass it smoothly? I think im not mature enough to choose this
So now the problem is how to... yes! how to control ego? Bring me some answers, please?
My heart and mind
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