Sunday, December 11, 2011

Pals with Their Pen

hello! long time no english posting~ hehe
since there were so many foreigner visited my blog, i tried to use english.
well, i wanna tell you about my new account on cyberworld.
okay, that is Interpals
I joined it about couple days ago.
actually i want to try snail mailing or postcrossing. i've read some of blogs that talked about postcrossing. i really want to try it. i think it will be 'unyu' to get many overseas things. and finally i made it! my account name is fikawesome
i have many kind friends. i really search many korean friends since i loved kpop hehehe. one of my korean friend promised me to send me a letter with winter festival pic on it. i'm extremely cant wait to receive it!!
im also learning hangul from my friend. but what a tough i cant type hangul from my PC bcos im not using hangul keyboard and dont have an installation cd to add korean language on it.

another friend also promised me to write a letter for me. and i will buy post card as soon as possible for both of them :) i guess it will be so nice ^^
okay their name is Kim Jeong Ha and Kim Bo Kyung. I used to call them Jeonghaya and Boboya. ya is use for calling your friend in korea :D Jeong promised me to write a letter, she told me that it's difficult to write alphabet by hand. i've told her to let me send her a letter first, but she still want to send it first. Ah what a kind person :)

Jeong with her cute uniform in front of her school. its start to snowing
 i m envying her  uniform~ ><

these are some of our chat history. read the bottom first :)

Jeonghaya, *hugs* :')
aaaah how kind :)

the second is Bobo, i call her like that because her username is Bobo and i think it's kinda cute name haha. when we were talking about winter, she told me that it was starting to winter there. and of course winter festival will be held soon. then she said to me that she will send me a letter with festival pic! ah im soooo glad!

isnt she cute? ^^

Bobo is also very kind person :)

Jeong ask me to teach her bahasa. had a totally good feeling to hear that :)

Jeonghas is daebakkkk!! she learned so quickly :D
 im glad to hear that some person wanna learn bahasa. i will teach them with all my pleasure of course :)
thats above just some of my stories, i have a lotta story to share about this site. and i've met many persons from around the world~ im glad!! :D
i'll be back with the others story. good night!! love

P.S: i've got permission to post their pic



  1. Kereen... :)
    Dulu aku juga pernah punya penpals dari omegle..
    Tapi orang China.. Berharap orang Korea, nggak dapat dapat .. Haha ..
    Salam Kenal :)

  2. makasih ^^ ahah kalo orang china aku ketemu banyak. emang korea jarang main omegle hehe

    salam kenal juga, makasih ya udah mampir :)


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