Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Super Inspiring Friend

I have a friend named Kim Eun Ha from South Korea. Our friendship started not too long ago but we got a chemistry to tell, share, and listen each other. I knew Eunha from my friend, Park Eun Ji. She's Eunji church friend and Eunji said that she's good in english. So we met on kakaotalk then had a little chit chat. And wow, she used english better than every korean that i knew before. So its very good and well to talk with her. She's also my best-foreign-motivator. Even we havent met yet, she could cheer me up when i was sad and i dont know but her perspective in every things is way too typical and unique. She's different from others. With her younger age, i think her mind is more mature than me. We both are have a same dream; being a member of unicef and help the children around. She inspires me a lot and her words always really mean a lot for me. I'd like to share some of her quotes and amazing words.
"Cheer up! u two seem meant to be together!"
"well i wish the man coming to me constantly every second even now is my best listener just like you. i think you're the best listener."
"well every trial and error become a good basic for ur future."
"when im stuck in ur condition, i listen "You gotta be" sung by Des'ree"
"be him and listen, tell, think and see on his view! and i wish you'd never forget the wonder when you indeed start from very first with him!"
"i think every problem and hurt start with forgetting their very first motion that they had when they get started."
" im waiting the  boy who listen my not-well-sung songs, walk beside me, and talk to me everything with honesty. so hard to wait him"
"i wish theres a guy who says like that and listen all my words with full of interest. i think this is love"
"omg fika youre the very first person that has a same vision with me"
"lets meet later, i want to belong to unicef to save the children"
"thats the reason why i learn english"
"cant wait the day we meet! not sure when it is..."
"when i enter into university after 2 years, we can plan more specifically!"
"differences between cultures and foods can be really harsh"
"well but there will be another goos chance later! life is long so dont worry too much"
"i t will be another way!"
"or there would be other ways to overcome these differences"
"but after the rain theres always sun"
"there will be inner maturity behind the deep hurt"

and maaaaany more
and surely im not trying to edit the words. those all are her original words and grammar. not bad right? even i thought she has amazing skill in english between others korean friends i ever met! she's also my native tutor in learning korean. and i can understand easily from her.

and thanks a lot Eunha-ya, you're really inspiring! wish we could meet soon.
much love.

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